This photo purports to show 3 "Foo Fighters" flying near a formation of B-17 Flying Fortresses in WW2. It is probably a fake, a blemish on the film or shows flak bursts caught at an initial point of their explosions.
See my Debrief article on the Foo-Fighters here - endorsed by Christopher Mellon!
During WW2, pilots and aircrew operating over the European, Mediterranean and Pacific Theatres witnessed strange lights, "rockets", aerial torpedoes, "balls of fire" and other odd phenomenon, which were nicknamed "Foo Fighters" by American night-fighter pilots in November 1944. They followed aircraft, but did not appear hostile. Each side seemingly thought these were secret weapons dreamt up by the enemy. I wrote a critically-acclaimed work on the European Foo Fighters in 2021.
A future project is a similar work about the "Foo Fighters" over the Pacific, Far-Eastern and Indian Ocean Theatres of WW2. I have already started preliminary research on this topic. If anyone has source documentation (aircrew, unit or intelligence records, photographs etc. - not simply sourced from the Internet please) then I would be pleased to hear from them.
A probably fake photo of a "Foo Fighter with a Japanese Ki-48 bomber.

If you have any information or records you would be happy to share with me, I can be contacted at the following email address: reivercountrybooks@gmail.com